Buenos Aires Ezeiza International Airport (EZE)
Car Parking
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Those arriving by car at Ezeiza International Airport (EZE) will find plenty of available spaces, where cars can be left overnight or for longer periods if required.
These options are always within easy reach of the terminal buildings themselves and just a short walk away.
The main car park at Ezeiza International Airport (EZE) is situated to the south and can be reached by the General Ricchieri highway. This large car park is close to Terminals B, C and the airport's International Terminal. The short-term car parking area is particularly convenient when drivers are dropping-off and collecting passengers from the airport.
Spaces are reserved for disabled passengers with the relevant parking permits in all of EZE Airport's car parking areas, often close to walkways and transportation where this is possible. These disabled car parking spaces are clearly signed and are generally easy to spot.